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Hercules, the cheater, faces off against the Hydra.

Cut off one head, two more will take its place. The ever-regenerative Hydra first appeared in episode 19, Hydra a.k.a. The MCU.


Surprisingly, this has nothing to do with the evil entity known as Hydra in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but rather it is known as the Learnaean Hydra. There is a ton of conflicting info, so don't yell at us about what you're about to read.

The hydra is a multi-headed serpent water monster in Roman and Greek mythology. Legends say it had "many heads," and if one was chopped off, two would regrow in its place. Some sources claim it started with five heads, and others say eight, however, it had one immortal head in the middle and if at least one other head was available, it was invulnerable. The hydra keeps one head awake at all times, even if the rest are sleeping.

It lived in the lake of Lerna in the region of Argolid. Lerna was also said to be an entrance to the underworld. It is the offspring of Typhon, a great serpent, and Echidna, originally thought to be a Pokemon, but actually is a half woman, half snake. Echidna had many other children including Cerberus, Chimera, Sphinx, and Caucasian Eagle.

Stories tell of the hydra being slain by Hercules, which is told more in the tale.


The hydra has an ability to grow two more heads in place of one that gets chopped off. There is a bit of a refractory period on this, but it's not too long. It can spit acid, poison, fire, and blood, though that last one sounds rather unhealthy. Its scent was said to be deadly, causing trails of poison in its wake. Its teeth were able to raise skeletons from the dead.


Each time Hercules bashed one of the hydra's heads, Iolaus held a torch to the headless tendons of the neck. The flames prevented the growth of replacement heads, and finally, Hercules had the better of the beast. Once he had removed and destroyed the eight mortal heads, Hercules chopped off the ninth, immortal head. This he buried at the side of the road leading from Lerna to Elaeus, and for good measure, he covered it with a heavy rock. As for the rest of the hapless hydra, Hercules slit open the corpse and dipped his arrows in the venomous blood.


Basic human in solid physical and mental form represents about a 3 in the numbered stats.

Hydra Statistics
Strength (1-10) 5
Speed (1-10) 7
Intelligence (1-10) 3
Durability (1-10) 6
Vulnerabilities The Mortal Head
Special Head Growth, Acid/Poison/Fire/Blood Spit

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Fight Club Results

Battle Result Episode
vs. Hellhound Win 19
vs. Krampus Loss 30