Tooth Fairy

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Tooth Fairy
Artistic rendition of the Tooth Fairy.

Harvester of bones, particularly the teeth of children, the Tooth Fairy first appeared in episode 24, Tooth Fairy a.k.a. Boy Guys.


The Tooth Fairy is a fantasy figure of early childhood in Western and Western-influenced cultures. So basically in America because we're the only country in the west. If it is not well known, humans are born with false teeth used in their younger years before they get replaced by real teeth. When these false teeth, still made of real bone, fall out, a child must place it under their pillow as payment to the Tooth Fairy. If they don't, the Tooth Fairy will proceed to rip the rest of the child's teeth out, even if some of them are their real adult teeth. The Tooth Fairy always knows when a tooth falls out. The Tooth Fairy leaves its calling card in the form of a crisp hundred dollar bill (or an amount equivalent in other currencies, keeping up on exchange rates) since money means nothing to it.

Not many people believe in the Tooth Fairy, which is proof of how easy misinformation can spread, but the children know the truth, and that's why the practice is in place in many households to this day.

The origins of this American folk creatch actually comes to us from Northern Europe, where there was a tradition called tand-fé, or tooth fee, which was paid when a child lost their first tooth. It is unclear if this fee is paid by the child or to the child. There's a Terms and Condition form signed when you are born against your will that makes you agree to this fee.

There was once a tradition in England where children were supposed to burn their baby teeth to save them from hardship in the afterlife, because if they didn't burn them, they'd spend their ENTIRE afterlife looking for their baby teeth. The country became filled with ghosts because of this, leading pilgrims to escape the country and found America.

74% of people polled outside of Burger Kings in the state of New Hampshire said they believe the Tooth Fairy is female, 12% believe it is male, and 8% believe it could be either. They are all wrong, the Tooth Fairy is a hermaphrodite. Being a class of fairy, the Tooth Fairy does have wings and a wand, but the wand isn't magic, it's more like a mace used to smack people in the mouth to loosen their teeth up. There are a ton of other depictions, like the Tooth Fairy being a mouse, or a dragon. These are ridiculous and absurd. The Tooth Fairy looks more like a lumberjack with wings, boobs, beard, and a necklace of teeth, hundreds of them layered atop one another. It doesn't wear clothes as it doesn't believe in them.

The Tooth Fairy has stared in several films and shows, such as Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy, and/or Fairly Odd Parents, all of which were directed by Guillermo del Toro.


The Tooth Fairy is kinda strong, it can take on a family of three relatively easily. It can also fly and has a Detoother Wand that can be used to knock one's teeth right out of their mouth.


Staniel was turning 5 and had quite the wiggly tooth. His father told him to just pull it out, and his mother offered to slap him so it would come out faster. They bribed him and coaxed him, saying that if he lost it, a fairy would come and give him money for his tooth. This only terrified Staniel more, as he was worried about some strange fairy coming into his bedroom at night. As hard as Staniel would try, he could not stop the inevitable loss of the tooth, and when it popped out, he hid it from his parents. He ran around the house, terrified that this fairy would come at any moment, and he found a Zippo lighter, the only kind of lighter than can burn teeth, and he lit his tooth on fire, flushing the ash down the toilet.

It was storming when Staniel went to sleep, booming thunder rocking their house, the lightning lighting up his room up for only moments at a time. But that was all it took, one boom, the window smacking open, the roar of the storm exploding into Staniel's room. Another flash and there it stood. A man, no a thing! Little wings a flutter, beard past its toes, and a necklace with layers and layers of teeth. Where its eyes should have been there were teeth. Where its ears should have been there were teeth. WHERE ITS HAIR SHOULD HAVE BEEN, ONLY MORE TEETH!! WHERE ITS MOUTH SHOULD HAVE BEEN was a mouth, but inside that mouth there was more teeth! Its hand slowly reached under Staniel's pillow, searching for the tooth that should have been there. Staniel lay there in terror, frozen. The hand pulled back quickly, the toothy head leaning close to Staniel's normal head. Its breath smelled of Chai Tea.

"Where's your tooth, Staniel?" It asked, its voice oddly high pitched for its large, lumberjack like body.

Staniel tried to answer but could only do so with a scream. He screamed and he screamed, and he screamed, and screamed and screamed and screamed. The Tooth Fairy bellowed an angry yell, and Staniel's parents burst into the room, shrieking with horror at the scene.

"I will have my teeth!" It bellowed, now a voice of deep rage.

SMACK! The wand came down, hitting the child right in the mouth, leaving Staniel undamaged except for the teeth that exploded out of his mouth. The father ran toward his son, trying to protect him.

WHAMMO!! Another collision of the wand, right at the dad's mouth, his teeth exploding out too! The mother shrieked, and she ran at the Tooth Fairy, pulling out her Gerber Mark II Combat Fixed Blade and diving at the fairy.

KA-BLAM!!! Her teeth were last, but they boomed out of her mouth like a geyser exploding from the earth. The family, not a tooth between the three of them, huddled in the corner, terrified. The Tooth Fairy went about the room collecting his reward, slow and deliberate. In a final chuckle, the fairy said to the family "The Tooth Fairy always gets his teeth." Then it was gone. To this day, Staniel and his family only eat soup broths and yogurts.


Basic human in solid physical and mental form represents about a 3 in the numbered stats.

Tooth Fairy Statistics
Strength (1-10) 4
Speed (1-10) 3
Intelligence (1-10) 3
Durability (1-10) 6
Vulnerabilities Sugar, Soda
Special Detoother Wand

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vs. Griffin Loss 24